Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May Happenings...

I can't believe May has already come and gone! We spent a lot of time at the pool in May as you will see. We even started mommy & me swim classes, which Beck actually didn't care to much for. Each day we had class the outside temp was a little on the cold side, making class not so enjoyable. We often left class with chattering teeth and blue lips. Needless to say it was our last time doing that until he is old enough to actually learn to swim on his own. We preferred going to the pool on our own time on warm days.

Beck doesn't fall asleep often unless he is in his crib or car seat. Apparently this was an extra tired day.

We tried for the second time to go ride the Hot Air Balloon at the Great Park, attempt failed...again! I guess we should call ahead of time. The carosel is always fun though!

Yes Beck is trying to lick the bar. Crazy kid!

Beck loves to crawl under his exersaucer. It's like an obstacle course. He used to get stuck in there all the time, but he's figured it out now.

Mommy & Me swim class

I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day! I was so excited! I love Becks and I'm so lucky to be his mom!
Mom Attack!

Still loves Mickey

Swimming with Dad!

He loves to jump in the pool from the side...so brave!

One of my fav pics to date...the kid loves his floater! Just love that face!

Beck took his first steps alone. Don't have actually pics of that, but this cute one will do. He will be walking before we know it.

Our happy boy!

1 comment:

Bracken and Bracken said...

He is getting so big and of course so cute!! Glad you got your first Mothers day :)