Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Beckett!


We had a Mickey Mouse themed birthday party the Saturday before his birthday! We were able to have all our friends come celebrate with us at a pool party. Although we didn't actually swim, others did and it was a lot of fun! Great success!
Beck's Mickey Balloons!
Beckett's 1st Birthday cake...
Not sure why this won't go the correct way, but just some of our Mickey Mouse rice crispy treats and cupcakes. It was a lot of work to make those...but so worth it!

Can't believe I had that boy a year ago!


Hmmm what's this...

Tastes pretty good and super fun to smoosh...

Oh yea, this is fun...

Want some????

You know you want to taste it...

Roar goes the Beck...


We forgot his birthday hat during the cake, opps! After clean up!

On Beckett's actual birthday we took him to the zoo. He loved it! We even got the special surprise of an elephant ride.

Giving the horse some love!

Beckett's favorite thing to do lately is point at everything. Especially the birds in the sky and say, "birrrr" it's the best!
Scary goat!

He loved the goose!


After his elephant ride...so much fun! Wish we could have a picture with him actually on it, oh well!

Birthday Boy!

Watching all the monkeys!

Look at all those presents! Yikes!

Thank you everyone for all the gifts and love! We can't wait to see what this next year brings!

Happy Birthday Beckett, WE LOVE YOU!!!!


scott and tara said...

First birthdays are the best! I loved Beckett's faces when he was eating his cake - too funny. Love the Mickey theme and good job on the cupcakes :)

Bracken and Bracken said...

Happy birthday Becks!! Glad you came down from a heaven a year ago we love having you around :)