Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blogging...fine I'll do it.

Blogging, a necessary evil. I know it has been awhile. Trust me, I think about it often and then I realize I would rather do other things with my time; that and I am honestly the worst at taking pictures. I hate that I am like that, but I am. So to get you by, here are some hints at what we have been up to the last few months.

Oh one last thing...I'm pregnant! We are expecting a GIRL in mid-January! We are thrilled and can't wait until she gets here. Although it seems January is far away, it is really only 3 months away...yikes! I am not into the "belly shots" so don't ask. Now on to the pics! The first few are pictures my sister took while we were in Utah during September!

At my neice Jackie's wedding in June...learning to walk!

With the sisters-in-law.

With Bowen and Presley

Girls weekend in fun and sooo needed! Love my friends here!

Sweet blue eyes before bedtime.

On our way to UT in June for my neice Jackie's wedding! He loved the plane and looking at all the lights out the window.

The carousel ride that wouldn't end...I was ready to jump off.

Utah 1st birthday cake with my family. Thanks Dad good job!

After an Angels baseball game! Big "A"

Beck loves the sand!

Waiting for fireworks on the 4th of July!

With Gma Duke, where he gets his love for the beach!

Love this sweet picture!

Petting zoo

First of many body board rides!

OC Fair

Loved the cows

Ethan's 32nd Birthday!

Camping at Big Bear during Labor Day weekend

Beckett loved playing in the dirt and throwing rocks, also eating them.

He was in Heaven playing in the grass field.

Beck discovered tree sap during his explorations and had it everywhere. It was horrible. This was pre-sponge bath and the screams

After he was all cleaned up and waiting for our hobo dinners! YUM!

How cute is his camping chair?

Everyone loves S'MORES!!

Hiking up a trial at Big Bear. He was not too psyched about being stuck in a backback.

How most of our Sunday's end.

Just in his corner of toys.

He looks so big in this pic.

While we were in Utah in Sept. He loves the swing and wanted to go outside every minute. Brock was his swing buddy that time.

Gma & Gpa Duke obviously no one was ready for the picture, but it was the best we could do.

Gma & Gpa Nelson


Bracken and Bracken said...

Love it!! Dallen really enjoyed looking at pictures of "baby bucket" with me :)

Andrea said...

Congrats!! Your little man is handsome

scott and tara said...

Congrats on the little girl coming! So happy for you and fun to see some new pics! Good luck :)